Cap of the Month for April:

(They Might Be...Clients of an accident/injury lawyer. Next please.)


Free range boy bands. They play the summer away, then when the leaves turn it's off to the slaughterhouse for rendering into dog food.

"Come on, fellers, it worked fer the Soggy Bottom Boys!" "Yeah, but mah bottom's dry." "And this here ain't bluegrass, it's green." "Ah thank it's loco weed, 'cause Charlie here's done gone pure-dee crazy. Charlie! Git back here and start singin', dang yew!"


the annual naked bluegrass gopher stomp. in this picture, the man in back is being reprimanded by his partner for accidentally crushing a blackfooted ferret.

Guy with guitar: Heh heh...uh, just ignore Duke and Elliott back there...we're gonna have 'em fixed soon....


"I'd like to play a song I wrote for all the farmers. I call it, ' Amber waves their grains'".

R.E.M. has reached an all-time career low!

The sing alongs a Fire Island are always a popular event.

the dress-or-not rehearsal for blind melon's "no rain" video

o/~ "All I can say is that my friends are pretty strange... Frolicking in skivvies ain't nature's waaaaay..." o/~


Take off your pants and jacket!

"o/ I realize I don' wanna be a kaiser/ hard, soft, or potato roll neither/ ain't wearin' pants, but none's the wiser/ my Vi-agra from Pfizer!" "If we only had some body paint and devil horns, we'd be *totally* rockin'."


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