Cap of the Month for February:


(Reagan recalls a visit to Canada)



Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!!!!!!!

"...and so, in conclusion, Mr. Ambassador, Prime Minister, assembled guests, I'd just like to leave you with the immortal words of my good friend, Sam Wainwright, who once said 'Heee Hawww!'"


o/` We've searched high and low, for Miss Waterbuffalo!... o/`

"Hey, Nancy! Watch me pull a jelly bean outta my a**!" "Ronnie!" "Nothin' in my ear..." "Ronnie, you're giving a speech!" "Oh, c'mon, Nance! Watch me pull a jelly bean outta my a**!" "*sigh* Oh, all right. AAAAGAIN?!" "Heeheehee!"


"Hey, Nancy! Watch me pull a rabbit outta muh hat!"

"Mister Badenov... Tear down that wall!"

:Though originally meant for practicing speeches, today Mr. Reagan mostly uses his private podium for puppet shows and the occasional "Ronnie the Moose" concert.

"Mr President, what's your policy on Illegal Aliens?" "That's a good question Dan, let me just consult my experts... Ronnie Calling the Aliens... Come In Space Brothers... Oh, whats wrong with these blasted Fing-tennas anyway? They worked yesterday."

"Well, the thing I liked most about being governor of California was sending the police in to straighten out those malcontents at Berkeley. The cops'd hit 'em in the head, and you see'd the blood fly sploosh, like this, and-- What? We're on? Ahem. My fellow Americans. I have long been an admirer of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., and. . . "


Regan was *again* trying to describe Reganomics when suddenly his chemical laxative kicked in, causing him to make a Moose Rack out of his hands to disrtract the crowd from the sounds further down his body....



The day Reagan finally pulled his head off and revealed the trueth. No one was really surprised.


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