Cap of the Month for June:


(The gracious Generik, sacrificing himself to be capped in the "Famous Lobster Shirt")



"Akbar sends Jeff on a punitive trip to the lobster cooker in retribution for a smart-ass remark about his shirt."

Um, listen I'll be in here till MST3k is back on or this hat is back in style which ever comes first.

"Hi. Y'know, here at Genentech we're pretty damn casual about that whole messing-with-the-fundamental-building-blocks-of-life thing. Like this liquid nitrogen vat here -- full of spliced zygotes and strawberry margaritas. Oh, we have fun."


"Here at CapGenCo, we're saving captions by saving cappers! Generik has been carefully prepared by cryogenic specialists for his long journey into the future. Note the special headgear that protects his caption-producing noggin. We all know our precious caption resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. At CapGenCo, we're preserving our national caption heritage one capper at a time. Captions for the future. Captions for all!"

Here we see the great Turkish cannibal, Abduhla the Butcher AKA Generkik. Today Generik is preparing his unfortunate victims for boiling by first showing us the big kettle where those poor souls will eventually wind up in. Later, he's going to show us his culinary expertise as he cuts up his victims into fine little pieces. Yum.Yum.

Okay, the fez was funny. The lobster shirt was funny. The goofy expression was funny. What *wasn't* funny was the fact that the photographer triple-dog dared me to stick my hand in that liquid nitrogen tank... and it stuck to the side, just like Flick's tongue got stuck on the flagpole, and the fire department had to come and rescue me.

Generik frees his lobster bretheren "into the boiling waters from whence they came." Now bring forth the drawn butter and the go cart!


I hear he used to be a Shriner, but then he started feeling more... unconventional.

Alien: "Thank you for joining us, Generik. In your honor, we're serving Capper Gumbo!" Erik: "Gee, thanks! What's in it? HEY!!" *SPLASH!*

"Welcome to 'Abdul's House of Sperm' where good taste doesn't matter, cause no one likes to swallow.."

"It's sooooooooup!"

"Get the drawn butter, Sally, Papa's goin' swimming!" (OR) Nnnooo, the name doesn't do anything, but the fez rings a bell...


"...flinging themselves into the pot of scalding liquid as a symbol of quote 'Unity with our noble, beclawed brethren from under the sea' unquote. From the way this particular follower of 'Lobster Consciousness' is smiling before taking the plunge, investigators believe that drugs - or perhaps devastatingly large amount of drawn butter - are involved..."

"I am not knowing when the next batch is ready, Sahib, but I can tell you this...Rosanne Barr seems to be wanting children again! Go to the end of the line and wait your turn. NEXT!"

"Welcome long time members and newcomers to the shrine. Here you'll learn meditation is easy. It's a matter of finding a quiet space and jumping in with both fee..... Suzy Creamcheese in the back row, you have a question?..... My shirt? Yes it'll come off as usual and you'll see my shorts with the ants on them once we're in the hot tub but as I've cautioned you before, try not to limit your...... It's the reason you *come*??!!"


Generik prepares to boil to death a few unsuspecting lobsters, who were only innocently trying to release their male jelly in a once-in-a-lifetime sex ritual. Poor little guys. Then again, they *were* going to die anyway.

"Welcome to Mahir's House of Waffles! (...huh? What day is it? It's MONDAY?) Oh, excuse me, folks! I meant to say: Welcome to Mahir's House of SOAP! (Damn this new tour schedule!)"

"And here is where I keep my other three wives..." or "And here is where I keep the testicles of fellow cappers that piss me off!"

Look out Colonel Sanders, the Soup Nazi is going industrial!

WANTED: Mail order bride for man in Fez and Lobster Shirt who likes to snuggle naked in home-made jacuzzi. Must enjoy strange clothing options and captioning (don't they go hand in hand?).

It's the Genetically-Altered Lobster Fest! Woohooo! Hurry... Supplies *are* limited.


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