Cap of the Month for March:

St. Patrick's Day on Bourbon Street...can you find the capper in this picture?
(Contest over...I'm front and center hiding behind the guy in the black sweater)



The Annual Wacko Jacko Find-the-Missing-Cartilage Skin Hunt still attracts thousands each year.

"We're looking for an older guy with a gray beard, last seen wearing a fez and a Hawaiian shirt, and- Oh. My. God. He's wearing ONLY a fez and a Hawaiian shirt! Generik!! Is that YOU?!? ...Singing KARAOKE?!?"

While others mug for the camera, Avril Lavigne raises her hand in a desperate attempt to get someone to take her by the hand, take her somewhere new. She won't know who you are, but she, well, she'll be with you, and that's all that matters.

"Okay everybody, this is the wrong place. Back in the car."


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