Cap of the Month for November:

Grok kill yuppies! Rarararar!


"Come, my band of marauders are in sore need of battle axe practice."


"Here, boy . . . the magickal ale will transform you into a mighty Elk, like me. We need more recruits in our battle with the Lions and the Knights of Colombus."


...And over at the Frat Boy Toss, Lorthar of Svejkln Fjord looks to be in fine form and is this year's favorite to win the event. Here comes the wind up.....


"Me so horny. Me love you long- Hey! Hey, where ya goin' in such a hurry, buddy? Hey, look... I gotcher nose! I gotcher ear, too, ya freakin' non-costumed bastard!"


Hey! You got sumthin' to say to me, pussy-willow? Huh? Huh? Yeah, come on, sweetheart, let's git it on! YEAH!


"Rarararar!!! i slept with your mother!!!!" "Dad, youre drunk....GO HOME!!"

Lothar of the Hill People, Traffic Cop. "Slow down there, Sparky! Speed limit's fifteen, and you're goin' fifteen and a half! Whoops! Here comes a woman. I am wise in the ways of walking with women...."


"Huzzah, you blockhead!" ~ Tonight, on a very special, "Charlie Brown RenFest"

*After a long day of crushing time traveler skulls, nothing slakes Visigoth thirst like: TORK! o/ ooooooooohhHH TORK! o/ Yes, Tork! The fermented mare's milk with just a touch of nightshade for that little something extra! Tork Brewing Company, Gildenhausen, Germania. Tork reminds you to drink responsibly. Don't drink and drive cattle. For help with problem drinking contact Szygik The Wizard, 3 Haunted Forest Road, Bavaria. This is Johnny Olsen speaking, for Tork. Back to you, Bob.*


"Whoooah there pizza boy! Uralogical Labs has gone undercover, and we require a sample for a whiz quiz *right now*!! You shouldn't have forgotten the Parmesan, cause we all know weed makes you forgetful!"

Sorry to break up the party kids but Tommy's got to come back home and skin and clean all the game in our hut. He can come back when he's through.




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